Gori Inn Hotel: A Successful yesteryear and Plans for 2024 - Gori Inn | სასტუმრო & რეზორტი

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Gori Inn Hotel: A Successful yesteryear and Plans for 2024

Gori Inn, having opened its doors for the first time in 2023, has swiftly become a center of hospitality in Gori city. Despite facing the significant challenge of establishing Gori as a sought-after destination, the hotel has exceeded expectations. Remarkably, the demand for the hotel remained high throughout the year, even during the winter season, which is traditionally a slower period for non-winter destinations.
A substantial portion of the hotel’s visitors came from Tbilisi, attracted by the mere 45-minute drive to the hotel. This convenience, coupled with Gori Inn’s unique offerings, has made it a favored choice for weekend getaways, with the hotel reaching near-full occupancy every Saturday.
Gori Inn has become a popular venue for sports groups and corporate meetings. Its strategic location near Tbilisi and the blend of business-friendly facilities with leisure amenities have made it a preferred destination for companies looking to combine work and relaxation.
One of the most significant additions to the hotel in 2023 was the Circus gastro-restaurant. This establishment has not only enhanced the hotel’s culinary offerings but has also introduced vibrant cultural shows to Gori city. With live events every evening, the Circus gastro-restaurant has become a central entertainment hub in the area.
Looking ahead to 2024, Gori Inn aims to extend its reach to international tourists, particularly focusing on attracting visitors from Asia and Europe. Participation in the Chinese tourism exposition in 2023 has highlighted a growing interest in Gori city among Asian tourists, identifying this market as a key area of growth. Furthermore, the hotel intends to attract more European tourists, aiming to transform Gori from a mere transit point to a stay-in destination.
Gori Inn’s first year has been marked by remarkable achievements and widespread recognition. As it steps into 2024, the hotel is planning to play a pivotal role in putting Gori city on the global tourism map and continue to be a place where precious memories are made.